Damn, it's been a long time since my last post, but life has been very crazy! So here are a few random thoughts and updates...
That's four girls for those of you keeping score at home. I am humbly accepting donations to the Ponchak Daughters Wedding Fund.
We put our home on the market in early July and got an offer within 2 weeks. In this market, that is truly an act of God. We are excited about our new house (4BR/2BA, 2600 sqft) because it has plenty of room and a pool. We are set to close on both the selling & buying in early September.
#3 - It's been a year since we return to the Catholic Church. I have to admit that the transition has not been as smooth as I would have thought. We are struggling for a lack of meaningful community. It took 10 months before someone at our parish came up to us after mass and welcomed us. I've let some of our relationships with folks from our Matthew's House days slip away & become neglected, but I just have hard time finding time to reconnect, mostly due to points 1 & 2 above.
Well, that's all for now. I suppose I could offer some comments on the current geo-politcal goings on or our home town of Lakeland's recent "revival" or some other deep theological thoughts, but I've got to go help my tired wife take care of our infant and toddler and help my middle schooler and high schooler with their homework.
As for the relationships its not all necessarily your fault.
It takes two to tango as they say.
I'm very happy about lily and can't wait to meet her, I'm also extremely excited about the house! Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need help moving.
I've got big news myself that I can't officially announce yet, but lets just say that it is going to dramatically change my life and give me a significant amount of free time in the near future. :-) Well maybe not "free" time, but it's going to give me a lot more time to pursue both my professional and personal ambitions.
Take care man, tell the kids and Lisa I said hey!
Heya Tom,
Congrats and welcome back!
—fr. Antoninus, OP
Hey Fr Antoninus - shoot me an email with your email address
Use AntoninusOP at friarwire.net. I think I lost your e-mail in the Great Hard Drive failure of October 2002. :(
hey tom, good to see you back in cyberspace. you're right, it's been way too long, like a whole week i think. you're a bad friend and godfather. and Will, are you joining a cult or the mafia? either would be pretty cool. cheers mates
(Tom, don't forget to e-mail me... :)
Thanks for the picture of the sweet, tiny one :)
Points 1 and 2 aside, you guys are always welcome to come find some "community" in our living room. A couple of Woodchucks and a game of Scattergories? You know where to find us!
p.s. I'll tell you how I met Peter Barnes this past June... :)
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